Do a quick search for “human resources” on Google and you’ll get a mind-boggling 4.5 BILLION results. Yes, that’s billion with a B. So how do you choose the best HR blogs to read?
To help you break through the noise, we’ve put together a list of our favorite Human Resources blogs that cover everything from workplace culture to engagement, inclusivity, and more.
1. Laurie Ruettimann
What it’s about: After an impressive track record in corporate HR roles, Laurie Ruettimann set out to fix work by helping business leaders create workplace cultures that support, empower and engage workers meaningfully.
Ruettimann prides herself on bringing righteous anger and edginess to her writing, like this rant against side hustles, and this one about Human Resources and cannabis.
Why it made our list of best HR blogs: Ruettimann is a breath of fresh air in the HR space. Check her out if you’re looking for revolutionary change in the field.
2. The HR Capitalist
What it’s about: Many HR blogs offer very high-level information that can be a challenge to apply. Blogger Kris Dunn, who day-jobs as the CHRO of Kinetix, believes in the power of specificity.
He offers concrete advice on HR Matters, like 5 Ways You Intimidate People Without Directly Threatening Them and Emerging Skills for Leaders: Making All Feel Welcome & On Equal Ground.
Why it made our list of best HR blogs: HR leaders are notorious for having their heads in the clouds. Read this blog to learn how to execute concrete action steps.
3. Adam Grant
What it’s about: This blog comes straight to your inbox. Dr. Adam Grant is a top-rated professor at The Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania and author of the bestselling books “Give and Take” and “Originals.” His monthly newsletter offers cutting-edge research in the world of work.
Why it made our list of best HR blogs: Check out this blog to stay on top of what’s new in the world of organizational psychology academia.
4. The WorkTango Resource Library (yes, us!)
What it’s about: WorkTango’s resource library is where you’ll find everything you need to know about HR and employee engagement, including practical guides and tips from experts in the field. Our employee experience platform ties purpose to performance, and we like to think our content does the same.
Why it made our list of best HR blogs: Visit our blog and check out our articles, webcasts, videos and white papers for tons of free, practical resources, like The Science of Recognition & Rewards guide and 45 Hybrid Workplace Questions to Ask Employees.
5. HR Bartender
What it’s about: At HR Bartender, self-proclaimed HR Pro-turned-consultant Sharlyn Lauby combines her love of great HR, open discussion, and culinary arts. Lauby’s goal is to provide a safe, open space for people to learn about and discuss any issues that arise in their workplace, HR-related or not.
The bar menu includes a fresh take on HR topics, like Engagement or Connection: Why the Connected Workplace Might Be Better and HR Technology: 13 Concepts HR Pros Need to Know.
Why it made our list of best HR blogs: If you’re looking for a comfortable place to talk about hard things, like your neighborhood bar, give HR Bartender a try.
6. HR Zone
What it’s about: HR Zone is exactly what it says it is — a zone of the web dedicated to all things HR. More than just a blog, at HR Zone you’ll find an infinite number of digital resources, a growing list of live events, and a podcast to answer all of your HR questions.
Why it made the list: Have an HR question you can’t find the answer to? More than likely, you’ll find it here.
7. Fistful of Talent
What it’s about: Instead of one dedicated blogger, Fistful of Talent is a compilation of opinions on HR topics from a long list of power leaders (including Laurie Ruettimann, mentioned above). Reading Fistful of Talent is like scrolling the best news feed, covering topics from bad CEOs to transgender awareness at work.
Why it made the list: Read Fistful of Talent if you want to eat from the buffet of the best HR leaders today.
8. Monster Thinking
What it’s about: At Monster Thinking, Trish MacFarlane leads the way in showing you how to incorporate HR technology into your work. She offers practical advice with Busting HR Technology Implementation Myths, and answers questions like How to Attend a Conference Virtually.
Why it made the list: Read Monster Thinking to find out how to incorporate technology into your HR work.
9. The Chief Happiness Officer
What it’s about: The name says it all. This blog is about all things happiness, for both HR leaders and the employees they serve. Chief Happiness Officer himself, Alex Kjelulf, asks and answers important questions like “Should You Seek Passion or Duty at Work?” and also adds a dose of humor with what he calls Non-Inspirational Quotes (but if you want great quotes, we have a ton.)
Why it made the list: When you need a guide to improving happiness, this is the place to go (as the name suggests.)
10. Workology
What it’s about: While many of the blogs on the list offer general advice, Workology specializes in offering digital resources for your recruiting efforts. Founder Jessica Miller-Merrell and contributing writers offer practical advice on things like How To Recruit and Source on Sites Like Reddit.
Why it made the list: In addition to the valuable content on the blog, Workology offers training for HR certifications and a podcast.
11. Evil HR Lady
What it’s about: Suzanne Lucas – aka The Evil HR Lady – aims to “demystify your HR department” by answering your questions (e.g. “Is It Sexist to Promote a Male Employee Over Two Females?”) and giving advice (e.g. “10 Things to Say Instead of Do Your Best”). Follow The Evil HR Lady on the blog, or on Twitter @RealEvilHRLady.
Why it made the list: Suzanne truly excels at HR real talk. If you’re looking for a hot take on those impossible to answer HR questions, look no further.
12. The Workplace Psychology Blog
What it’s about: Blogger Steve Nguyen, Ph.D. takes a more academic approach to HR. He presents scholarly articles on topics like leadership development, change management, and industrial and organizational psychology.
Why it made the list: If you’re an HR practitioner, find your daily dose of continuing education right here.

Rob Catalano
Rob Catalano is WorkTango’s Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer. Rob has spent the last 17 years building HR Technology companies.