Talk to Our Team

Empower your leaders to drive change with Action Plans

Help leaders take meaningful action based on employee feedback from surveys with Action Planning.

Screenshot from the Surveys & Insights product that features the Action Planning dashboard.
Screenshot from the Surveys & Insights product that features items like survey response rate, sentiment highlights, and a factor summary.

Enable leaders with tailored insights

  • Offer real-time insights through Manager Dashboards to equip leaders to see sentiment of team members
  • Access Summary of Responses within a single view for easy interpretation
  • View key trends from previous surveys to highlight major changes and compare certain groups with the broader organization
  • Provide leaders with access to WorkTango’s robust Dashboards & Insights based on defined permissions

Create accountability for leaders to act on what matters

  • View AI-recommended actions based on employee survey scores 
  • Assign and Track actions in the Action Planning suite to keep leaders accountable for change
  • Add flexibility to recommendations –allow HR or leaders to create custom action items or assign them to others
Screenshot from the Surveys & Insights product that features the Action Planning dashboard.
Screenshot of WorkTango's Learning Coach.

Educate and upskill leaders with Recommended Learning

  • View Suggested Content based on employee survey responses to key factors and questions
  • Access Learning Content, including articles and videos from credible sources
  • Visit the Self-Access Resource Library where leaders can search for specific learnings and actions using keywords or categories