Measure & incentivize workplace wellness with WorkTango

Encourage employee mental and physical health with Incentives, automated fitness tracking, and integrations with Google Fit and Apple Health.

Incentivize healthy behaviors and prevent employee burnout

  • Encourage employee mental and physical health with custom Incentives for participating in wellness programs, doctor’s visits, and self-care to stop burnout before it happens
  • Offer employee Rewards that help your teams flourish, such as anti-stress rewards like mental health days or grocery delivery
  • Inspire additional activities to support organizational culture, like serving as an onboarding buddy or volunteering in the community
  • Boost wellness program participation by up to 3x on average

Learn more about Incentives >

Connect Apple Health and Google Fit for automatic wellness rewards

  • Choose the wellness behaviors you want to promote, such as steps, minutes of exercise, or mindfulness
  • Reward employees automatically for their healthy actions by setting up Wellness Incentives linked to fitness trackers
  • Measure the adoption of employee wellness programs and gamify the employee experience

See all Fitness Integrations >

Discover how Elderwood used Incentives within WorkTango to encourage COVID-19 vaccination

Assess the wellness of your employees

  • Enable employees to easily and confidentially provide insights into personal wellness with Surveys & Insights
  • Demonstrate care, respect and concern for employee well-being while still protecting confidentiality
  • Measure overall wellness with WorkTango’s Wellness Index to understand health and wellness gaps and opportunities
  • Leverage data to develop wellness initiatives, implement new programs, and measure impact over time

Learn more about Surveys & Insights from WorkTango >

Featured Health & Workplace Wellness Resources

Ready to see how WorkTango can help you build a healthier workplace?