How is WorkTango different from SurveyMonkey / Google Forms for Employee Surveys?

How is WorkTango different from SurveyMonkey / Google Forms for Employee Surveys?

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At WorkTango, a part of our offering involves getting employee feedback through surveys that measure concepts such as employee engagement and employee sentiment around just about anything across the employee lifecycle.  Surveys provide a great way for organizations to gather insights towards creating a better employee experience. Often, we get asked if WorkTango is the same as SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or other similar survey technologies that help organizations understand their Employee Voice. Although the concept of sending a survey and receiving feedback is similar, there are vast differences in the value we offer our customers and partners.

We asked several customers that have switched to WorkTango what makes us different. Here are a few of the top themes:

1.  Get Insights by Customized Attributes in Real-Time

Employee data integrates into WorkTango so you can visualize insights easily and isolate and compare results by any employee attribute that applies to your organization (e. g., location, department, leader).

With other tools like SurveyMonkey, if you want to understand employee engagement every department, for example, you have to ask employees to identify their department in the survey. With WorkTango, that isn’t necessary. Major benefits include:

  1. Fewer questions in the survey experience
  2. Better data integrity (i.e. if employees self-select their department, they could select anything whether it is correct or not)
  3. Better perception of confidentiality – it’s hard to get real feedback from an employee when they also must tell you personal items about themselves.

WorkTango Platform

2.  Our Employee Promise of Confidentiality

Not only does WorkTango not require employees to answer personal identifying questions (e.g. their department or location), it ensures that feedback is completely confidential. Our Employee Promise doesn’t allow a response to be individualized or identified to one employee. It can’t be pulled by customers or even our team.

With other platforms, like SurveyMonkey and Google Forms, the raw data is accessible and it would be easy to isolate and identify how one employee responded.

WorkTango Employee Promise

3.  Sentiment and Themes for Open-Ended Comments

With sentiment analysis and automated sentiment theme clouds, WorkTango also offers you the ability to hear qualitative feedback in an intuitive way with sentiment analysis and automated sentiment theme clouds. WorkTango leverages Natural Language Understanding technology and sentiment theme clouds so you to get simple and immediate insight from comments free from bias.

There are also unique ways to respond to worrisome comments and keep things completely confidential.

WorkTango vs SurveyMonkey 2

4.  Robust Insights and Data Visualizations

You can see trends in people’s responses to the same questions over time.  Use WorkTango’s Insights Engine to compare parts of the business to each other or to compare them with the organization’s overall results.

Visualize insights with heatmaps and other compelling views.

No excel Wizardry required.


WorkTango Survey Platform

5.  Advisory and Expertise in Employee Voice Strategy and Actions

The WorkTango team’s passion is to improve (work) lives. WorkTango has decades of technology and HR consultation experience that goes into helping customers hit their goals. Our data scientists help serve up actionable insights to quickly make an impact on the workforce and our I/O Psychologists and Organizational Development experts offer insights and recommended actions from executive presentations to leader workshops.


6.  Serve Insights in Real-Time to Unlimited #s of Leaders

Automatically give access to the people who matter. Customize who has access to different features in the platform. Offer full reporting to HR and executives or offer real-time feedback to individual leaders from their teams and hierarchy.

Some of WorkTango’s customers automate the distribution of insights in real-time to thousands of leaders.

7.  Nudge leaders to Inspire Actions

Choose to not only serve insight directly to leaders for their teams and hierarchy but also nudge them with Key Insight Summaries recommended learnings and recommended actions to inspire accountability and behavior change.
WorkTango saves time– no more developing manual reports or disseminating insights manually across the organization. Customers say that’s been a key part of the cost/benefit analysis for them.


WorkTango backend

8. “Not a Tool, a Platform.”

There are distinct differences between a tool intended to deploy, collect, and share survey results, and a platform that offers the ability to collect feedback, serve those insights to various parts of the organization (who arguably have the most influence teams), and help support leaders on practices and recommendations of where to act.  We believe the simple refrain: “Not a tool, a platform” sums up the distinction well.