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Intelligent Automation Is Getting Smarter by the Day

So Is Our Platform

The new world order of intelligent automation and people analytics is altering the entire employee experience from recruitment through to retirement. Ongoing advances in, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and natural language processing are also impacting HR in bountiful ways.

AI is a wide range of algorithms and machine learning tools that can rapidly ingest data. Systems can understand text, and use pattern matching to pick up signals, analyze millions of pieces of information in seconds, predict and learn by plotting curves of possible outcomes, and optimize decision-making based on a multitude of criteria.

Smart technologies enable HR teams to solve critical business challenges, drive exponential performance improvements, and impact broader business outcomes and profitability; expediting HR’s transition from administrative to strategic to mission-critical in the process. What’s more, these systems are growing and learning and getting smarter by the day.

WorkTango’s next-generation Survey & Insights platform harnesses deep learning that applies basic parameters about data and trains your system to learn on its own. As more data feeds into the system, deep learning algorithms begin to make more, and more precise predictions or interpretations



What’s Coming Soon

With 85% of the workforce either passively or actively disengaged, it’s important for managers to know the pulse of their teams.WorkTango’s Action Planning solution, scheduled for release later this year, equips your organization’s survey platform with the ability to suggest learnings and actions based on the data collected from employees. Natural Language Processing ups the ante by analyzing hundreds of thousands of employee comments from surveys; summarizing the most relevant keywords and phrases in your organization’s employee feedback.

automation platform


That means if you’re a manager and let’s say feedback from your team indicates you’re not all that great at recognizing employees, or communicating, or developing your team, you’ll get information and tips about how to step up your game.

And as more and more managers use the Action Planning feature, recommendations are fine-tuned based on their feedback.

Research tells us that the average employee has less than 25 minutes a week to train and learn. Smart technology that personalizes content to make it more relevant to the individual makes smart sense.

The platform also sends a notification to your leaders if there’s a drop in a certain question compared to their results from previous surveys, or there’s a marked score difference in an area where the rest of the organization is higher. Managers are flagged with an email notification asking the individual to log in for more details. This action-oriented tool helps managers (and you) know what needs to be done. It allows the individual (and you) to track what actions are being taken. And when measured again, it lets you both see how those actions have influenced scores.


What’s New Now?


Easier Than Ever Reporting

WorkTango’s next-generation technology really steps up to the fore with a platform that’s more robust, with a new look and feel that makes it easier than ever to navigate, drill into your data, and understand your insights. In reporting and analytics you can now see multiple data points at once on one screen, including but not limited to:

  • Scores
  • Questions
  • Trends
  • Comparisons over different time periods
  • Comparisons by business unit
  • Comparison of all managers and team leads

Users can also cleanly put surveys into buckets of specific interest and then fine-tune reports using concise reporting parameters. If a recently acquired subsidiary is surveyed along a Mergers and Acquisitions theme, as an example, you and your leaders can zero in on points relevant to M&A like clarity around mission, vision and values, trust in leadership, and sense of belonging, rather than sifting through less pertinent factors.


Expanded User Permissions

The big news is expanded flexibility around user access and who can see what.

Based on parameters set out by you or your super-admin, leaders of teams, departments, divisions, geographic locations (local to global) and subsidiaries can create and manage customized surveys for their pockets of the organization – without having to go through HR.  (Employee anonymity is protected by default with built-in algorithms).

Now if your organization conducts a macro employee engagement survey every year or two, these updated survey permissions let you assign who can see responses in real-time, review open-ended comments, respond to anonymous comments through anonymous conversation tools, create and generate their own reports – and – dig deeper with pulse surveys of their own, again, without going through HR. So instead of an HR generalist taking responsibility for surveys again and again and again, they can use that time discussing an employee’s development or internal process improvement.

Giving managers real-time access to people analytics empowers your team leaders to tune in to what employees want, to take action, to solve problems, to make more informed decisions that impact their team, and to be accountable for those actions. Follow up pulse surveys then let managers measure the impact of their actions on key performance indicators. This near-constant opportunity for real-time feedback influences leadership development by allowing us to understand employee sentiment so that we can address potential roadblocks, prevent issues from getting a foothold and take action to prove to employees their voices matter.

To quote Richard Hughes, Senior VP of United Health Group: having good data is like having good health. When you have it, you take it for granted. When you don’t, you panic. Simply put, access to more data means more data analytics, which means advanced insights that lead to improved working conditions for employees, which sets employee engagement on an upward trajectory.


Ahmed, Owais, Dr. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HR, Dept. of Management Studies, North Campus, University of Kashmir, JK, December 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR).
Bersin, Josh, People Analytics and AI in the Workplace: Four Dimensions of Trust, May 5, 2019.

Buswas, Sushman. The Beginner’s Guide to AI in HR, HR Technologist, Feb 5, 2019.

Biswas, Sushman, 3 Ways Natural Language Processing (NLP) Will Transform HR in 2019, HR Technologist July 2019.

Ghosh, Prarthana 7 Ways AI Can Improve Overall Employee Experience, HR Technologist May 10, 2019,
Nicastrom, Dom. 7 Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Reinventing Human Resources, CMS Wire, May 18, 2020.
Stevenson, Mason. AI in HR, HR Exchange Network, November 9, 2019.,handling