When trying to build a motivated and loyal workforce, organizations often grapple with choosing the most effective recognition strategies. This article will compare public recognition with alternatives, including meaningful non-cash rewards, cash incentives, and the absence of formal recognition. We’ll highlight how public, meaningful recognition can significantly enhance employee engagement and retention.

How to Motivate Employees


Understanding Employee Rewards Programs

Offering strategic employee reward programs in addition to recognition is one way to amplify the impact of recognition. These programs are most effective when they cater to individual preferences and offer employees meaningful choices. In fact, studies show that non-monetary rewards often enhance performance and engagement more than cash bonuses do.

Employee reward ideas that aren’t cash:

  • Featuring employees on your website or social media
  • Sharing a (virtual) meal with food delivery
  • Sending a handwritten note
  • Letting employees pick the playlist
  • Paying for a monthly fitness subscription
  • Subscribing to a stress relief app
  • Offering mentorship opportunities

Understanding Cash Rewards

Cash rewards are monetary rewards given to employees for achieving certain goals or meeting specific performance criteria.

Short-Lived Gratification

While cash incentives might offer some motivation, their impact is often short-lived. Once the monetary reward is spent, its impact diminishes, leaving employees seeking the next incentive.

Potential for Inequity

Cash rewards can sometimes create perceptions of unfairness, especially if not distributed transparently. This can lead to dissatisfaction and even resentment among employees who feel overlooked or undervalued.

Tax Implications

Cash rewards are often diminished by tax implications. Even if associated taxes are small, knowing taxes will be deducted from a reward can negatively impact employee perceptions and reduce the impact of the reward.

Impact of Zero Recognition

Failing to recognize employees' efforts through recognition can lead to several negative outcomes that affect both individual employees and the organization as a whole:
  1. Decreased morale. The absence of recognition within a workplace can erode morale, making employees feel unappreciated and undervalued. This can lead to a lack of motivation and enthusiasm​.
  2. Higher turnover. Employees who don't feel recognized are more likely to seek employment elsewhere, where their efforts will be acknowledged. High turnover rates can be costly and disruptive to business operations​.
  3. Decreased engagement. Employees who do not feel appreciated are less likely to be invested in their work, leading to lower productivity and creativity.
  4. Increased absenteeism. Employees who feel undervalued are more likely to take sick leave or be absent from work, impacting overall team performance and project timelines​.
  5. Reduced customer satisfaction. Engaged and motivated employees are more likely to provide excellent customer service. When employees are disengaged, it can negatively impact the customer experience, leading to dissatisfaction and potential customer churn.
  6. Burnout. Continuous lack of recognition can lead to stress and burnout, affecting employees' overall well-being and their ability to perform at their best​.

Why Choose a Structured Employee Recognition and Rewards Program

Structured recognition and rewards programs are effective and often deliver immediate ROI, as they typically lead to higher retention rates, better engagement, and improved employee performance. Structured programs help reinforce desired actions and validate individual contributions. Plus, they foster a culture of appreciation across the whole organization.

To really make a difference, these recognition programs should be consistent, public, and timely. They need to offer meaningful rewards and be easy to track with clear insights and reporting. This way, the program can truly motivate employees and reinforce the behaviors you want to encourage.

Why Public Recognition?

Public recognition programs let everyone in the organization—peers, managers, and the executive leadership team—see and celebrate achievements together. This kind of recognition meets humans’ natural need for social approval and esteem.

When employees are recognized publicly, they feel valued. This then strengthens their connection to the organization, leading to reduced voluntary turnover.

While public recognition is great, consistency in your program is even more important. It’s vital to make sure every employee has an equal shot at being acknowledged. This helps create a culture of continuous appreciation and motivation across the entire organization.

Benefits of Structured Recognition and Rewards Programs

  1. Enhanced employee engagement Public recognition and meaningful rewards give employees a sense of accomplishment and purpose. This fosters a deeper emotional connection to their work, leading to higher engagement levels.
  2. Increased retention Employees who feel appreciated are more likely to stay with their employer. Regular, meaningful recognition cultivates loyalty, reduces turnover rates, and helps retain top talent.
  3. Positive culture A culture of public recognition promotes a positive and supportive work environment. When employees see their peers being acknowledged, it sets a precedent and encourages a culture of mutual respect and appreciation.
  4. Detailed insights and reporting Structured recognition programs generate valuable data that can be analyzed to understand trends, identify high performers, and measure the impact of recognition on employee engagement and retention. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and alignment with organizational goals.
  5. Deeper connection to company values Recognizing employees for behaviors and achievements that align with the company's core values reinforces those values throughout the organization. This alignment helps create a cohesive culture where employees understand and embody the principles that drive the company’s success.


What is the key to an effective employee rewards program?

The key to an effective employee rewards program is personalization. Tailoring rewards to individual preferences ensures that employees feel genuinely valued. This involves understanding what motivates each person, and offering a variety of meaningful rewards they can choose from.

How do cash incentives impact employee motivation in the long-term?

Cash incentives typically provide short-term motivation, but often fail to sustain long-term engagement, as employees may quickly become accustomed to them.

Why is public recognition important for employee retention?

Public recognition validates employees' contributions, boosting their sense of value and belonging within the organization, which in turn enhances loyalty and reduces turnover rates.

How do you reward employees without money?

Rewarding employees without money can still be highly effective and appreciated. Additionally, choosing a platform that allows you to customize rewards will ensure all rewards are meaningful and tailored to individual employee preferences. Here are some employee reward ideas that don’t cost money–which can be especially important in industries where monetary rewards aren't feasible or allowed:
  • Public recognition
  • Extra time off
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Flexible work arrangements
  • Personalized gifts
  • Thank you notes
  • Wellness programs

Can combining cash and non-cash rewards enhance employee motivation?

Yes, combining cash and non-cash rewards can provide a balanced approach, offering both immediate gratification and ongoing recognition. However, it's important to exercise caution to ensure that the rewards system remains fair and inclusive. Overemphasis on cash rewards might overshadow the intrinsic value of non-cash rewards, potentially leading to a transactional dynamic within the team. Make sure to strike a balance that values both types of rewards equally and aligns with the overall culture and goals of your organization.

What are the consequences of not recognizing employees?

The absence of recognition can lead to decreased morale, feelings of being undervalued, and higher turnover rates, as employees leave to seek organizations where their efforts will be acknowledged.

How can organizations design an effective reward program?

Organizations can design effective reward programs by incorporating several key strategies, including the following:
  1. Offer employees meaningful reward options
  2. Make your employee reward program trackable
  3. Tie employee rewards to real-time recognition
  4. Incorporate team rewards into rewards options
  5. Let employees reward each other
To learn more about how to build an effective employee rewards program, read WorkTango’s article here.