Talk to Our Team

Ready for an update?  We’re here to help you say “Out with antiquated performance management, and in with a more nimble, insight-driven approach—Employee Success.” Here’s our latest innovation to help you make that happen. Our hardworking Product team has expanded the Insights & Reporting capabilities of our Goals & Feedback solution. We also added two new features: Sync-Up and Calendar Invitations.

What does this mean for your Employee Success practices?

This update puts actionable data in your hands to empower you, the HR leader, with what you need to be a strategic business partner. The overhauled analytics and reporting feature grants you better visibility into your Continuous Employee Success process. This enables you to manage review cycles, identify areas for improvement, and drive greater efficiencies throughout your organization.

In addition to actionable data, the updated feature includes interactive dashboards, presentation-ready reports, alerts, and report scheduling. This drives informed decision-making, while giving administrators the ability to showcase the impact of their employee success program.  

Meet Sync-Up and Calendar Invitations

As organizations continue to evolve, the need to improve alignment between employees, managers, and cross-functional teams is more important than ever. We developed Sync-Up — a conversation tool — that enables discussions between two or more people, including employees and managers, employees and dotted line managers, peers, cross-functional teams, and project groups.

The need to streamline the quarterly performance Check-In and Sync-Up processes is vital for organizations as they grow. WorkTango’s Calendar Invitation feature makes development-focused conversation ons more accessible by letting users create a calendar invite for popular calendar platforms like Outlook, Google Calendar, or iCal directly from the WorkTango platform.